Monday 16 March 2009

Sat 17 Jan 09: it's now or never...

I'm quite new to blogging so not sure how this 'works'....but I guess it's a great platform to share my experiences and thoughts as the marathon day draws nearer and nearer.

First off, I am hugely excited to be raising money for Pratham - it's a great charity that does some incredible good in this world...helping to address the imbalances and inequalitites that exist in our society.  
I've actually completed marathons before but stopped running since I developed a niggling injury below my left knee but when I came across Pratham at London Business School I thought I have to pull out all the stops at least one more time.... so here I am. 
To be frank, training has not been going to well as it has been a struggle to kickstart that mindset -- especially to run in the incredibly cold climate we've been having since December. Fortunately I was in Dubai over the winter break and thought the sunshine and beach would help initiate that positive motivation...but alas holiday mentality took over!
However, I am pleased to say that I got back to London on the 5th January and immediately joined a running group in Stanmore. I thought, "it's now or never"... and thankfully with the help of the group I managed my first 10 mile run at 7am on Sunday in the icy weather! It was a fantastic feeling to "unblock" my mind and conquer that inertia.... I think getting over that first hurdle is all it takes to get that positive energy flowing -- and I'm looking forward to an 11-miler tomorrow.